What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy?


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is an energy-based healing practice that focuses on the body’s inherent capacity to seek wellness. The practice involves applying light touch on the body to assist in the facilitation of releasing emotional or physical trauma. BCST acknowledges that we cannot heal secondary patterns (such as injury or disease) without first addressing underlying neurological and structural imbalances within. Through guided and supported therapeutic techniques, the client’s system enters a state known as the holistic shift where the body is able to self-regulate, bringing the parasympathetic nervous system back on-line. This is where the healing begins. The body often reveals energetic patterns and/or fulcrums (areas of inertia), which seek recognition and balance, in order to increase potency throughout the system. 

After a session, you may feel a deep sense of relaxation, a sense of groundedness in your being, and a deeper connection to self and others. You may also experience; clarity, decreased physical pain, or a sense of spaciousness. BCST can be used to address these common ailments:

Arthritis – Autism – Back Pain/Joint Pain – Birth Trauma – Cancer – Central Nervous System Disorders – Childhood Trauma – Concussions/Head Injuries – long-term COVID conditions – Dissociative/Disembodied States – Fatigue/Stress – Fibromyalgia – Head Aches/Migraines/TMJ – High Blood Pressure – Inflammation/Immune Disorders – Post-Surgical Healing – PTSD – Scoliosis – Visceral/Digestive Disorders


This is an extremely challenging time in our history, especially for our children. According to the American Psychological Association, 30% of American teens are sad or depressed, and 31% felt overwhelmed in a 2017 study. In 2006, the National Sleep Foundation found that 87% of high school students were chronically sleep deprived. With my background in Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation, we can tailor BCST session work to suit the needs of the individual. A typical BCST session with kids/teens may involve sharing self-regulation and embodiment techniques to be practiced at home. Addressing issues in the body and psyche at a young age can have a tremendous impact in a child’s life as well as the family’s.

BCST can help children and teens in particular with: Becoming more Embodied and Engaged – Awakening the Social Engagement System – Anxiety – Stress – Difficulty Sleeping – Autism – Learning Issues – Releasing Physical and Emotional Birthing Patterns – TMJ - Headaches/Migraines – Symptoms Associated with Orthodontic Treatments

Sherry is passionate about assisting adolescents dealing with bullying, addiction, and challenges related to establishing their gender identity. 

Remote Biodynamic Healing Session

Remote Biodynamic Healing Sessions are guided explorations that use body-centered therapies to assist the client in the regulation of the Central Nervous System (CNS). We begin by settling the body and then setting an intention. Through felt sense awareness and dialog, we explore the body and what emerges. Similar to a hands-on session, patterns, or “holdings,” within the body and/or the mind are gently released. Remote Biodynamic Healing Sessions can be extremely powerful and healing. They provide a safe and supportive space for clients who are sensitive to touch or who are unable to come in for a hands-on session. Remote Biodynamic Healing Sessions can be scheduled regularly and can assist in keeping the nervous system functioning properly, alleviating sleeplessness, digestive disorders, anxiety, and stress.


“Every treatment I’ve had with Sherry has had its own tone and focus, some more physical, some more energetic. Though each experience has been a layered journey of its own, I come out of each session with my subtle body reset, and my postural quirks softened. I am so grateful.” 

“I had struggled with pain in my right knee for several years and my ability to maintain an exercise routine had dwindled to zero. However, after receiving a treatment from Sherry I found that the pain had gone, and it has stayed gone for the past year. I walk a mile every morning and no longer look with dismay at the stairs leading to my best friend’s apartment. What a relief!”

"These sessions bring the expansiveness of my meditation practice into physical presence in my body."

"At the beginning of our session I felt my shoulder was broken, afterward I felt like I could fly!"

"Six straight hours of sleep last night! Longest stretch in forever. Felt great this morning and even went for a run which felt amazing!"