Throughout my life, I have been drawn to energy-based practices such as martial arts, yoga and surfing as a means to not only connect with myself, but also with my environment. Discovering Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) was a natural progression for me. The BCST practitioner must remain neutral, focused and present in their own body and the client's simultaneously. I am passionate about helping others develop skills to harness their full energy potential and live more embodied lives.

Like yoga, BCST allows me to sense and encourage health in the body. When surfing, we are carried by a single wave within a vast ocean. Similarly, in BCST the hands are carried by currents within the body as channels begin to emerge and transform, at times returning to stillness.

We are so alive if we chose to listen to, and feel, all that is in and around us. 

Try a session, begin a journey.